If you get a massage once a year, it will be relaxing, but it can’t undo a lifetime of muscle tension. Typically, once every week or two is ideal for keeping your muscle tissue pliable and in good shape. If you are in chronic pain or have a special issue to address, you might need to come weekly (or even twice a week) until you feel better.
Once you’re feeling good, once a month is the recommended minimum for maintaining the health of your tissue. If you start stretching the massages out too far apart, then your muscles can revert to their old patterns, especially if you come under stress. If you wait too long, you’ll have to start all over again to restore their suppleness and pliancy. Listen to your body, but don’t wait too long in an effort to save money.
How Much Massage Can You Afford?
Massage could be part of your routine for a relatively low amount, if you look in the right places.
How Much Massage Do You Need?
If you already feel good and regular massage keeps you that way, you probably know what works for you. In times of extra stress, you might want to go a little more frequently. If you suddenly experience a spasm due to stress, try to get in to see the massage therapist as soon as possible, preferably someone who knows your body.